We are so grateful for the many individuals and businesses that made Northwest Colorado Health’s annual Steamboat Springs Rubber Ducky Race for Hospice on July 22 a great success. It was a beautiful evening and we had quite the crowd of kids and adults cheering on the ducks as they splashed their way down the waterslides at Old Town Hot Springs.
We are so thankful for everyone who purchased tickets, sponsored the race, donated prizes and volunteered their time so that we can continue to provide access to Hospice for anyone in Routt County who needs it, regardless of their ability to pay. We are especially thankful to our wonderful partner, Old Town Hot Springs, for allowing us to use their facility. It’s the perfect setting for a fun-filled race day!
The support we received is a testament to our community’s commitment to Hospice, and the understanding of how important it is that everyone with a terminal illness has the right to live with dignity and comfort. Every day we provide comfort-oriented care for Hospice patients and their caregivers. Hospice provides the opportunity for quality of life, spiritual support, limiting pain and suffering, time with family and friends, and completing self-directed goals.
Although health insurance may cover a portion of the care provided by Hospice, expenses such as medications, equipment and bereavement support for families often exceed reimbursement. Donations and funds raised through events like the annual Rubber Ducky Race cover this gap and allow us to care for all who need us for years to come. Thank you, Routt County, for being our partner in creating a healthy community.
In gratitude,
Stephanie Einfeld
CEO, Northwest Colorado Health