Breaking your addiction to tobacco isn’t easy, but it can be done; and the most important thing to remember is that even if you have tried to quit and did not succeed, it is never too late to try again.
There are many cessation methods that have proven successful and here are just a few: cold turkey
- nicotine patches
- gum
- lozenges
- inhalers and sprays
- and there are also prescription drug therapies like Chantix, Zyban which can be prescribed by a medical provider.
Some people find that counseling along with other therapies is helpful and telephone counseling is available through the Colorado Quitline (1-800-Quit.Now) here in Colorado. There are also many excellent online resources that can offer support and information about tobacco cessation.
Here are other some other tips that can help you win the battle over tobacco:
- 1. Make your house and auto tobacco-free zones
Don’t use tobacco in your house and autos and don’t allow anyone else to use tobacco there either. Remove ashtrays, spit bottles – all tobacco materials from your house and autos. Think of the “tobacco-free” time you will gain and you will avoid exposing family members and friends to secondhand smoke and tobacco use.
- 2. Cut-down on tobacco use
It may be easier to quit if you cut down your tobacco use rather than abruptly quitting. If so, set a quit date and begin cutting down your tobacco use BEFORE your quit date.
- 3. Keep a journal
Many people find that logging their goals helps them accomplish their goals. Keep a journal of your plans leading up until your quit date and then your journey after you quit. You may want to write down triggers to avoid and things that motivate you to quit.
- 4. Talk about quitting
Quitting tobacco use is hard and it’s even harder if you have to do it all alone. Tell your family, friends and co-workers about your plans. You’ll be surprised at the support you will get and you may inspire others to quit with you!
For more information about tobacco cessation contact your medical provider or Vicki Barron, Community Health Educator at Northwest Colorado VNA at 875-1883.