Northwest Colorado Health has been recognized by Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) as a “Premier Performer” for achieving an overall caregiver and family satisfaction score that ranked in the top 5% of all eligible SHP clients for the 2021 calendar year.
Northwest Colorado Health has provided comfort-oriented end-of-life Hospice services in the Yampa Valley for nearly 30 years. As a non-profit Hospice provider, Northwest Colorado Health provides care to all residents who need it, regardless of their ability to pay or insurance status.
The annual SHPBest™ award program was created to acknowledge Hospice providers that consistently provide high quality service to families and caregivers of patients receiving hospice. The 2021 award recipients were determined by reviewing and ranking the overall CAHPS Hospice survey satisfaction score for more than 1,000 Hospice providers. With one of the largest CAHPS Hospice benchmarks in the nation, SHP is in a unique position to identify and recognize organizations that have made family and caregiver satisfaction a priority and have been rewarded for their efforts with high marks on the CAHPS Hospice survey.
“SHP is proud to present the SHPBest awards to our top-performing customers. We commend these organizations for their continuous focus on delivering the highest quality of care to their patients”, said Rob Paulsson, President of SHP.
Northwest Colorado Health’s Hospice program believes that everyone with a terminal illness has the right to live with dignity and comfort. Every day comfort-oriented care is provided for Hospice patients and their caregivers throughout Moffat County. These individuals deserve the opportunity for the best quality of life, spiritual support, limited pain and suffering, and optimal time with family and friends. Their loved ones deserve longer term support after they have passed. Northwest Colorado Health also provides free grief counseling for one year following a loved one’s death, as well as bereavement support groups open to anyone in the community.
Although health insurance may cover Hospice, expenses such as medications, equipment and bereavement support often exceed reimbursement. Donations and fundraising events like the Rubber Ducky Race for Hospice help cover this gap.
The Craig Rubber Ducky Race for Hospice is an opportunity for Moffat County residents to support this service and ensure that anyone who needs Hospice is able to receive the care they need. The race will take place on August 6 at the Moffat County Hot Air Balloon Festival starting at 11:30am. Tickets are only $10 and offer a chance to win cash and other prizes. You do not need to be present to win. Purchase tickets today at northwestcoloradohealth.org/rubberducky.
To learn more about Northwest Colorado Health’s Hospice program, visit northwestcoloradohealth.org/hospice or call 970-871-7629.
Read more about the SHPBest awards program, including methodology and award recipient lists at https://www.shpdata.com/hospice/shpbest-cahps-hospice/.
About Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP)
Strategic Healthcare Programs (SHP) is a leader in data analytics and benchmarking that drive daily clinical and operational decisions. Our solutions bring real-time data to post-acute providers, hospitals, and ACOs to better coordinate quality care and improve patient outcomes. Since 1996, SHP has helped more than 7,000 organizations nationwide raise the bar for healthcare performance.