Medicaid Renewals: What you need to know

If you get health coverage through Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), your eligibility is reviewed annually.

Some members will be automatically renewed based on the most recent information already on file with the state. Other members will need to go through the renewal process.

If you are auto-renewed

  • You will get a letter about 60-70 days before your renewal deadline saying your health coverage has been renewed.
  • No additional information is needed.
  • Health coverage will be renewed for twelve months.

If you are not auto-renewed, you need to go through the renewal process to see if you still qualify for Health First Colorado or CHP+.

  • You will get a renewal packet in the mail and online at about 60-70 days before your renewal deadline.
  • You will get notifications about your renewal through mail, or if you have signed up for electronic notifications through email, text message and by push notification if you have the Health First Colorado app.
  • You must complete and sign your renewal by the deadline.

When is my renewal due date?

Your renewal month matches the month your Health First Colorado or CHP+ coverage started. For example, if your coverage started in June 2022, you would be up for renewal in June 2023. You would not have to take action until May 2023.

If you have questions about your renewal, or need help with applying for Medicaid or CHP+ our Eligibility Team can help. We also offer a Client Assistance Program that helps cover the cost of care at our Community Health Centers for those with and without insurance. Please call 970-871-7330 in Steamboat Springs and 970-871-7324 in Craig.

This renewal information is from Health First Colorado, for FAQs and more info please visit:

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