At the end of August, Northwest Colorado Health honored and recognized the many individuals committed to ensuring health care in our valley at the first ever Legacy Society event.
Northwest Colorado Health Board President Larry Jenkins and CEO Stephanie Einfeld both made remarks at the event.
“I would like to share with you a little bit about how we got here,” said Jenkins. “Recently, we said our final farewells to some longtime Northwest Colorado Health supporters: John Maas and Betty and Bill Neish.”
Jenkins then went on to describe the impact the two families had on starting the endowment.
John served on the Northwest Colorado Health Board of Directors from 2014-2017 and was a loyal supporter of the Hospice Program. He also served as general counsel for Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation. Steamboat Resort presented Northwest Colorado Health with a $25,000 gift to remember and honor John’s work with the agency.
Betty passed away in 2020, and her husband Bill passed in 2016. Both were born and raised in the Yampa Valley. They were passionate supporters of Northwest Colorado Health, supporting many programs over the years. Betty and Bill left a generous portion of their estate to Northwest Colorado Health to ensure the future of accessible health care in the Yampa Valley.
“To honor these individuals and extend their legacy, we dedicated these gifts to open the Northwest Colorado Health Endowment Fund at the Yampa Valley Community Foundation,” said Jenkins.
“As a board of directors, we made the commitment to fund a healthy future with the goal of raising $1 million dollars by 2025. Tonight, I’m excited to share that we are already half way there – thanks to all of you!”
Stephanie Einfeld then proceeded to thank everyone for joining in the evening’s celebrations.
“Your contribution to our endowment provides support in our community today, tomorrow and beyond to ensure the future of health care in our valley. At Northwest Colorado Health, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to achieve their best health. I am beyond grateful that you not only share that belief, but you have made a commitment to that future with your gift to the endowment or through planned giving.”
Einfeld then proceeded to recognize each of the individuals who have contributed to the endowment and inducted them into the newly formed Legacy Society.
A full list of Legacy Society members can be found on the Northwest Colorado Health website: https://northwestcoloradohealth.org/endowment
Einfeld concluded the evening in saying. “Your compassionate generosity makes a difference today and for the next generation to come! From the bottom of my heart, I am truly grateful for each and every one of you.”
If you would like to learn more about the Northwest Colorado Health Endowment, or join in the cause, please visit: https://northwestcoloradohealth.org/endowment
Donations can be made to this endowment through Yampa Valley Community Foundation: https://yvcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/fund?funit_id=2947