If you know a hospice volunteer, you know they are exceptionally caring, compassionate and dedicated people. Hospice volunteers often have experienced the death of a loved one, or other kind of life-changing loss; they know how much the support of someone who understands means in a time of crisis. November is National Hospice and Palliative Care month, recognizing the care, comfort and support hospice provides individuals nearing end of life. We have been providing hospice for more than 25 years in the Yampa Valley. Volunteers have been vital to our effort to reach every patient and family that needs us.
Volunteers share hobbies and conversation with hospice patients, assist with paperwork and details, make meals for families and help them with housekeeping, errands and other tasks. Support of any kind is invaluable to individuals facing profound loss and change. Working in hospice often helps volunteers maintain perspective and build meaning into their own challenges and experiences.
We are hosting a two-day Hospice volunteer training 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday (Nov. 19 and 20) at the Rollingstone Respite House in Steamboat Springs. Please consider joining this training and hospice volunteers who are making a difference in people’s lives every day. If you’d like to learn more or sign up, contact our Volunteer Coordinator Mindy Marriott at 970-871-7609.
Vicki Barron, RN Director of Home Services Northwest Colorado Visiting Nurse Association